Neurodivergence and Organization

I am decidedly neurotypical. Before you become envious, remember that in most of life, making beautiful flash cards to ace multiple choice tests is not relevant. Though I don’t specialize in neurodivergence, I often have clients with some degree of it. I want to be able to empathize and meet clients where they are. Lately I’ve struggled with understanding the struggle in keeping a room organized, so per usual, I sought out a book—How to Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis. It is written for people who struggle with organization and overwhelm for any reason. It helped give me insight into what my clients see when they see a messy room. It is not natural for them to start on one side of the room and go to the other as it is for me. KC’s book gave me other ideas about how to communicate with clients and some skills to help them. One of my favorite techniques that I will use is to sort the space into 5 piles: trash, dishes, laundry, things with a place and things without a place. When everything is sorted into those 5 piles, it is less overwhelming and more manageable to tackle the space. She has many great gems in this book. I hope you’ll take a look for yourself or for someone you love.


Making Meaning


Tell Me Why It Hurts