Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing And Getting Past Your Past
I took a free course on Pesi about EMDR because I’ve been curious and skeptical for many years. It seems too good to be true. After completing the training, I knew I had to get certified because I imagined all my current clients that this treatment could help. EMDR is an evidence-based treatment for PTSD. Contrary to the name, EMDR includes bilateral stimulation other than eye movements, like auditory, tapping or the butterfly hug. As I see it, the benefits of EMDR are:
Clients do not have to give a full detailed account of their trauma which is especially helpful for clients who have limited memory or may be re-traumatized by retelling their story.
We have lots of options to do it through telehealth. According to Shapiro, some clients have trouble driving home after EMDR sessions. No commute, no drive home.
It is fast and effective according to dozens of randomized, controlled trials.
It facilitates the brain in healing itself.
I’m really excited to start training at the end of July and should be fully certified by the end of the year.